SHED is now integrated with John Deere Operations Center!

Cart: driver details

When things go wrong, grain delivery records can be a real asset. With a detailed audit trail, you can trace problems efficiently and get things back on track.

To strengthen the digital audit trail provided by Cart, many of you have asked for a place to record information about the driver and vehicle for each delivery.

Whilst you have been able to record this information in your delivery notes, we knew we could do better. To make it faster to capture and easier to report, we made some changes.

When creating deliveries, you can now record:

  • 👷‍♂️ Driver Name
  • 🚛 Vehicle Registration
  • 🏢 Freight Carrier

Next time you create a delivery, simply type to enter a new option for any of these fields. Each time you save a delivery, we'll add any new option to the list, making it quick to select next time.

In addition to this, we have:

  • 👩‍💻 Updated all relevant reports and pages in Cart to include this information.
  • ✨ Updated the “Copy Delivery” feature, to automatically copy this information to your new delivery.

Written by Matt Collins - Published 1 year ago