Cart: grain management dashboard

Written by Matt Collins
Published 1 year ago

Introducing the Cart Dashboard, a collection of smaller, focussed dashboards that provide answers to the big important questions.

  • How much grain is available?
  • Where is it stored?
  • What's the quality like?
  • How much have we contracted?
  • What's our position?

Designed to help you manage your risk and optimise your return, the Cart Dashboard will give you answers to these questions at a glance.

Launching this week

We will be rolling out new dashboards over the coming weeks. First up is the Storage dashboard:

  • View available quantity per commodity.
  • View available quantity, broken down by on and off farm storage locations.
  • View total on farm capacity per commodity.
  • View current utilisation of on-farm storage per commodity.

Cart Storage Dashboard

Coming in May!

Contracts, our second dashboard will go live in the next few weeks:

  • View total contracted quantity per commodity for the production year
  • View weighted average price per commodity for the production year
  • View the total value of your contracts, broken down by open and completed
  • View total contract quantity for all open contracts and your progress against it

Cart Contract Dashboard

Gearing up for harvest 2023

Just like you, we're laying the foundations right now for a solid 2023 harvest. We launched Cart in the middle of 2022 harvest and learnt a heap from our early adopters - the growers who were willing to give us a go.

In the lead up to harvest, we've got lot lot's of good things planned. More dashboards, more features - Overall, a better solution for managing your grain.

If you've been thinking about giving Cart a go, now is a great time to buy a subscription, get behind what we're building and help us make this happen.