FarmReady: improved member management

Published 1 year ago
Written by Brad Crawford

At FarmReady, we're all about building rock-solid Apps that are backed up with responsive support. We're also a small team (Brad & Matt). The guys who are developing FarmReady features are the same people you speak to when you need some help.

With so many new features that we want to build and only so many hours in the day, we're always looking for ways to level up. The clearer, simpler and more helpful we make our Apps, the less likely you are to need support. You can get on with your job and we can build better Apps - it's a win-win!

We get a lot of requests for help with inviting new members and managing access for existing members. The tools that we gave you were limited, so we built some better tools.

If you're an admin for your organisation, when you navigate to the members tab on your organisation settings, you can now:

  • 📨 Click on any member that you have invited to your account and edit the invitation details, resend their invitation email or delete the invitation.
  • 🤠 Click on any existing member to modify their role/permission level.

Of course, we're still here to help, but we hope these improvements make the day-to-day administration of your account a little easier.

💡Tip: With FarmReady's Apps, you can invite as many members as you need to your account at no extra cost. You can even add members who are not part of your business, all they need is an Agworld account.