SHED is now integrated with John Deere Operations Center!

Shed: John Deere Operations Center Integration - Early Access!

Running on Ops Center?

After refining our core inventory application over the last 4 years, we're ready to begin expanding access to new integration partners. First cab off the rank: we've connected Shed with John Deere Operations Center. If you're running on Ops Center and are keen to be one of the first to give it a spin, our early access program is now open.

What's the go?

We all know tracking chemical inventory is about as fun as a flat tyre at seeding time. This integration sorts that out by automatically updating your Shed inventory when you complete field operations in John Deere Operations Center. No more scratching numbers on bits of paper or trying to remember what you used last week.

What you'll get in early access:

  • Your own FarmReady account to get started
  • Access to the new Ops Center integration
  • Direct support from our team to get you started
  • A chance to shape how the integration works best for your operation

Join the waiting list now!

Request Early Access

Request access

Early access to this integration is free until public release. After launch, Shed will be available to purchase directly from FarmReady or via our partner Agworld (for growers who also use Agworld). Space in the program is limited.

Written by Brad Crawford - Published 24 days ago